

the km&el lab aims to promotes high-quality research and international collaboration in the areas of knowledge management and e-learning. supported by the faculty of education of hku, the km&el lab has held the annual workshop since 2009. fifty world-renowned scholars have delivered keynotes and lectures at the workshop. the speakers include ais fellow, ieee fellow, acmi fellow, cahs fellow, and ibstoi fellow. some of the speakers are from world-class universities such as mit and the university of oxford. some of them are editors of prestigious journals such as computers & education, the internet and higher education, educational technology & society, and educational technology research and development.

this year, the km&el workshop will be jointly organized by the advanced innovation center for future education of bnu and the km&el lab of hku. the theme of the workshop is: preparing creative and critical thinkers in the digital age. four scholars from hong kong, the united states, and the united kingdom will deliver keynotes and share their latest research and findings.

the km&el lab is dedicated to advancing research and improving the lab’s international recognition in the field of knowledge management and e-learning. the lab has been collaborating with world-class institutions including harvard university and university of cambridge. the lab has also led several research projects funded by hong kong government. besides, the lab has funded an international journal—knowledge management & e-learning (scopus indexed). more recently, the director of the lab will lead a research symposium on deeper learning at the 2017 annual meeting of the american educational research association (aera).

theme:  preparing creative and critical thinkers in the digital age

time: june 9-19, 2017

location:  beijing normal university


– advanced innovation center for future education, beijing normal university

– laboratory for knowledge management & e-learning, university of hong kong

为了加强与国际学者的合作与交流,同时提高在知识管理和数位学习领域的研究水平和国际知名度,在香港大学教育学院的支持下,知识管理与数位学习实验室从2009年开始举办一年一度的“知识管理与数位学习”工作坊。八年来,来自世界各地的专家学者在此进行了50场精彩的演讲,他们当中有的是ais fellow、ieee fellow、acmi fellow、cahs fellow、ibstoi fellow;有的是著名杂志(computers & education、the internet and higher education、educational technology & society、educational technology research and development )的主编、有的是著名大学(oxford、mit)的学者。今年6月9-19日期间,知识管理与数位学习实验室与北京师范大学未来教育高精尖创新中心联合举办第九届工作坊。主题是:如何培养数位时代的创新与理性思考者,来自美国、英国、香港的4位知名学者将给大家分享他们的最新研究成果。

知识管理与数位学习实验室(km&el lab)以提高科学研究水平和服务社群为目的,目标是成为知识管理和数位学习领域的国际著名研究中心。目前,该实验室与一些著名学者保持着良好的合作关系(包括哈佛大学、剑桥大学的著名学者)。并主持了多项香港政府研究基金项目。除了每年的“知识管理与数位学习”工作坊,我们还主办了著名杂志《知识管理与数位学习》(scopus)。2017年,我们将在美国教育研究协会(american educational research association, aera)年会主持一个有多名国际著名学者参加的深度学习研讨会。





– 北京师范大学未来教育高精尖创新中心

– 香港大学教育学院知识管理与数位学习实验室
